AI is wonderful at producing interesting content, isn’t it?
Well, perhaps wonderful is a slight exaggeration. So, let’s fix that statement.
Ai is good at, no, that's not right… competent? hmmm, still a bit too strong. What about average? No, still not working.
Let’s go with a more honest statement:
AI is pretty dreadful at creating interesting content, isn't it?
The problem isn’t that AI can’t produce content, the problem is that the content usually just isn’t very good.
From one Content Generator to another, I am here to help you use AI and get it right.
‘AI fix it’ service from the (human) Content Generator.
AI 'fix it' - For You.
Send me your AI-generated web pages, blogs, promotional copy and similar and I will assess them and fix them so they work better.
AI 'fix it' - By You
I will train you or your team to integrate AI as a start for creating your own, considerably better, content.
I know what you are thinking, you are thinking "How much will that cost me?" Well, I'm glad you asked. You got right to the point, I like that.
AI 'fix it' - For You Will Cost:
It's a sliding scale depending on how bad the AI you send me is.
If it needs:
A little check-up that results in a clean or (cleanish) bill of health
- A bag of jelly babies and a nice review.
A bit of repair and some re-writes
- £25 and a nice review
Major changes and a lot of re-writes
- £45 and a nice review
Full reanimator-style Frankenstein resurrection of the copy. i.e. a full rewrite
- Our usual Blog article price of £72.50
Here's how it works. I will look it over, and then drop you a short email explaining what level it needs and why. Then you can decide whether to go ahead or not. You can, of course, always send jelly babies anyway.
AI 'fix it' - By You.
Online training can be split into up to three sessions of 2 hours each. Consisting of:
- Using AI to generate ideas and basic copy
- Writing good copy based on your AI output
- An informal session where we create a piece of AI-driven copy and then improve it together.
The cost of 6 hours of live training
- £300 for up to 4 people at a time
All that takes place over Zoom (bring your own jelly babies).
Incidentally, most training from The Content Generator has the same base cost. If you want face-to-face for up to 4 there will be an additional charge for travel and subsistence, but that's all. For more than 4 people I may or may not need to charge a little extra. Call me and let's look at it.